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ND’s Brian Kelly’s New Years Resolutions: 10 For 2010

Article By on 29th December, 2009

... are many changes taking place in South Bend, Indiana. Notre Dame Head Coach Brian Kelly has been on the job for three weeks and is slowly building the program again after the collapse of the Charlie Weis regime. As the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, Kelly must follow a plan and achieve many goals before the Irish take the field in early September against Purdue. As coach at Notre Dame, his plate is more full than it has ever been and he will encounter many challenges along the way. So with January and the New Year only a few days away, the hope is that the new calendar and head coach will bring mountains of prosperity to the Notre Dame program. Here then, are the ten goals for Brian Kelly to achieve in 2010.

Bleacher Report - College Football

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